SpeedShare is available as a package containing one server and one client, for $49.95, or as a client only, for $29.95.
SpeedShare is distributed electronically, on Qdea's Web site (http://www.qdea.com) and other online archives. With the serial number you purchase, you can use all features immediately.
Using the Qdea Worldwide Rendezvous Service, servers are accessed by name regardless of TCP/IP address. Speedshare comes with a free one-year subscription to the Qdea Rendezvous, which is regularly $19.95.
A floppy disk with the latest version of SpeedShare is $4.95 for destinations in the U.S. and $9.95 for international orders.
All prices are in US dollars. People who live in Minnesota, USA must include an additional 6.5% sales tax with their order. There are no additional shipping and handling charges.